Lategame Damage Fix
Reduces the absurd spikes in difficulty that exist mostly towards the end of the game.
This mod only affects enemy damage. Things like HP, resistances, and defenses are unchanged. The first half of the game is also unchanged in terms of difficulty. All the difficulty spikes between areas still exist, they are just a fair amount smaller in most cases. Below is a rough outline of how much damage was reduced in each area.
New Game Plus Scaling Tweaks (Optional):
See images for NG+7 scaling values.
Personally I feel like NG+ sucks a bit of the fun out of the game (namely enemies being very hard to posture break), so this is a collection of adjustments to the scaling to make it a bit less of a slog.
1. Make a backup of your regulation.bin file.
2. Drag and drop the regulation.bin into the “Elden Ring/Game/” directory.
To uninstall this mod you will need to replace the regulation.bin file with your backup.
Alternate (CSV) Installation
Make sure Yapped is version 2.0
1. Open your regulation.bin using Yapped.
2. Drag the CSV files from the mod into “Yapped/res/GR/Data/”.
3. In Yapped, navigate to “SpEffectParam” on the left and click “Tools > Import Data”.
4. If using NG+ Tweaks, repeat the above for “ClearCountCorrectParam”.