Hair 9 – Godfrey’s Hairstyle and Beard
Replace Hair 9 with Godfrey’s / Hoarah Loux’s hairstyle and beard.
Installation guide:
1. Unpack and patch the game with UXM
2. Backup the original files (optional)
3. Put dcx files from archive to Game\parts directory, override the original files.
4. Disable EAC and then run the game.
Replaces hair 9 model with Godfrey’s / Hoarah Loux’s hairstyle and beard, the hair can’t be recolored using cosmetics, like other NPC hairs, this hair will clip through most helmet.
The model includes the white eyebrows so it is recommended to remove the player’s own eyebrows when using this hairstyle.
This mod replaces Hair 9.