Greater Runes
We all know the issue, vanilla Great Runes aren’t Great. So I tried coming up with something more interesting for each Rune that would really make a difference to gameplay, while also feeling connected to the lore/abilities/role of the boss it belongs to. Each Great Rune now gives to you when equipped and activated a set of new passive abilities or quirks, some have negative effects (-) to counter the positive ones (+), others don’t. All vanilla effects are still there unchanged, unless mentioned in the description.
I tried to avoid boring numeric stats changes and go for altering game mechanics wherever I could. Also no Rune should in theory be too overpowered, but in reality the effects are just what I thought would be cool without too much regard for game balance.
This is still a work in progress and I might add/change/remove effects from time to time. If you have any ideas how to make this mod better, please do leave a comment!!
If you don’t plan to use any other mods besides this one in the same playthrough, just install into a ModEngine folder. Otherwise use DSMapStudio to import the modded rows into your SpEffectParam:
if you haven’t already, create a new DSMapStudio “Project” in your mod folder (where your modded regulation.bin is. Usually that’s just …\ELDEN RING\Game\mod\)
check my SpEffectParam.csv file. the rows in there should be 602 to 657, 500030, 500031, 500043, 500044
go to ParamEditor and select SpEffectParam
click Edit -> Import CSV -> From file… -> All
select the SpEffectParam.csv from this mod, and the modded rows should appear
save the param into your regulation.bin