Character Size modification and playing as young Radahn before being known as the Starscourge

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Character Size modification and playing as young Radahn before being known as the Starscourge

Sliders for character creation and CE table for size modifications

Sorry but this mod doesn’t work for the current game, haven’t played ER in a long time and don’t plan to doit until DLC is launched so I can’t update and test the mod properly. As mentioned in the description if there is still a CE table updated for the current game version with size modifications you can use that and set the hotkeys like in this one or at your preferences. If there is no CE table updated avaliable that is able to edit the size of the characters there is nothing to do (maybe someone has released a proper mod for it already here or somewhere else, not sure since I haven’t checked mods for this game in a long time).

Will leave the instructions/bugs/etc in case someone want to try their own ce table.

Playing as a young Radahn before beign known as the Starscourge and the mightiest demigod, before overgrowing when his steed was happy of having a normal size owner, with nothing but his fists and anger to prove being worthy of his linage.

Tried to replicate his face/colors from the few pics/videos/cutscenes there are with him. The skin color I am using is more closer to the cutscene ones (purpleish tones and not so dark when you are close to a light source or using the lantern) than his in game model from his boss fight is full black. Added his preset sliders but feel free to change it/improve it. I am also using a reshade shader so colors may be different for each of us. By the way there is a mod already that allow you to use Radahn face if you want to roll with that offline.

Added a cheat enginge table to change character size, as always don´t play online with this cheats and disable EAC (check tutorials for that).

The cheat table doesn´t affect weapon size nor Torrent, and you revert back to your size when you mount Torrent but since the cheat table freeze the parameters it returns to the modified size after unmounting Torrent.

It creates some minors visuals problems thou like the hair from his helmet are in the “incorrect” place because of height changes (maybe with a proper mod for resized characters/weapons/armors would look perfect if someone knows how to doit, I would love something like that), and size values (for the width and deepth size values mainly over 1.1 values) cause some clothes flickering and few animations when you are locked on enemies and you are running with out sprinting, the game thinks you are sprinting so it consumes stamina from moving (when depleted it doesn´t consume stamina when normally moving until the stamina bar is full or you did something that consumes stamina), fixed toggling walking (added hotkeys for it), still X and Z values over 2.2 cause flickering/stamina problems no matter what.

Also since he is bigger his running animation doesn´t match how much he should advance wich should be a little more, so I added some animation/movement speed options. The animation speed one as the name mention it, not only change his running speed but all his animations (attack speed, spell casting, rolls, etc), so if you dont want that (high animation speed doesn´t look that good imo and makes you overpowered attacking/moving so fast) then the second option called movement speed changes only his running speed, that still gives you an advantage but not that big, or edit them to your liking. You can always delete/disable the speed cheats (or remove/edit they hotkeys) if you only want the size codes.

Hot keys for cheat table:
(Num 0) (the one at the right of key board): set everything back to vanilla values
(Num 1) set the animation/movement speed to 1.25 and the character size to 1.25 height and 1.4 for the width/deepth sizes
(Alt + Num 1) set every size and speed to 1.09 (for no hair in neck and no need to walk while locked on enemies)
(+ key) to increase height and speed by 0.05, X and Y values by 0.08 (this way they look “stronger/buffed”)
(Alt) + (+ key) to increase every size and speed by 0.05 (maintain size ratios so they don´t look as buffed/chunky)
(- key) to decrease height and speed by 0.05, X and Y values by 0.08
(Alt) + (- key) to decrease every size and speed by 0.05 (time to play as hobbits/dwarfs)
(Cap locks) or (Y + back) for controller to toggle walking (to evade the flickering when locked on enemies with X and Z values over 1.1 and under 2.2), need to test it on my ps4 controller to see if triangle+select works with the Xbox/generic gamepad hotkeys, otherwise I will add it later.
You need to set the “Movement Control” for mouse (right column) to the “wheel button” (when you press the wheel of the mouse) and remove it from the “Reset camera, Lock-on/Remove target” mouse option (press R over it to remove it), this apply if playing with controller too. It´s the only work arround I have found until now for the stamina bug, and I can´t use any other keyboard/mouse button because of the CE lua restrictions (only mouse movements/buttons can be emulated in game, keyboard ones doesn´t work nor extra mouse buttons like the ones gaming mouse has).
(B) disables the cam following you in case you are playing with a massive character so you can see him fight better and play like in a OG ps1 game with static cams (RE, Onimusha, FF, etc), pretty fun figthing Loux with a matched sized character and fist weapons with this option.
(V) enables the cam to follow you back (if you die/teleport while the cam wasn´t following you it may look like you spawned under or over the map but is the cam, just enable it to follow you again).

I reccomend playing with the “Alt + Num 1” size, doesn´t has many hair/capes/etc problems, and animation/speed modification is minimum (going to add this option again for 1.04 latter).

Hotkeys for controllers is harder since most buttons do something, for example the hotkey I used to toggle the walking were the only ones that does “nothing” in the middle of a battle (you can´t open the map at battle) but after you end the battle to desactivate it you are going to end opening the map, no big deal but still isn´t optimal (feel free to change it, other good options are “Y+ any directional pad” if you don´t mind changing items/weapons/magic when you activate/desactivate it, from those using the down or up directional pad should be the better options since you can hold up/down to return to your first item/magic).

The hotkeys can be edited to whatever you want. I like to keep the increased animation speed for some exploration (like for climbing super long ladders, be careful thou because if you increse it too much you get stuck at the top of it, return to speed 1.25 or vanilla just before you reach the top of the ladder to be safer) but I like to use the normal speed vs bosses to not get an advantage.

How to set hotkeys (has to doit one by one, haven´t found a way to add hotkeys for multiple addresses at the same time):
-Right click the cheat one you want to add a hotkey
-Choose “Set/Change hotkeys” (or use the hotkey to set hotkeys xD I belive is alt + h or ctrl + h, one of those, that makes it faster)
-Add or edit any of the hotkeys there are already for any hotkey/value you want
-Save the table (File -> Save or Save as)

Add a hotkey for eyes model edition if you want (need hotkeys for both freeze and set value just in case, you can use hotkeys already used like Num 1 if you are always going to use one eye model), check wich model is your favorite (0 = vanilla, 10 = Frenzy eyes, 11 = blood eyes?, haven´t found the values for dragon eyes), personally I like the frenzy eyes from value 10 so I may set to activate with all the current hotkeys. Also eye models and body parts sliders edits get saved, only returns back to normal if you edit them in the mirrors/Rennala (need more test of this to be sure but I guess they keep saved like when you get your eyes changed at dragon communion church and from frenzy quest or Varre quest).

The closer to the original sizes the less errors you should find, 1.099 values for everything still look good and removes all the problems, try your own combinations.

Radahn chest piece has his cape missplaced with the heigth changes too, but others like Blaidd one looks fine (or remove Radahn cape at grace places but still he looks very clumsy with out it). You can also easily edit the sliders and using some tattoos for a cloose looking Kratos too (I did but no red tatto in the back of his head/body doesn’t look that good, there is a better Kratos slider somewhere in internet anyway) or Godfrey (there is already a good one made by a youtuber too and a mod in this page for the real face model).

I didn´t create the cheat engine scripts, all credits to they creators (simpson, gideon, Pyre, etc.). If you already are using cheat tables made from them then those options are somewhere there (the script to toggle walk was made by me but is a very basic one), just need to set the hotkeys for an easier use (or copy and paste them from my table and place them whenever you want in they tables if they work for the same version of this mod if you dont want to set the hotkeys, may have some conflicts thou). I am only using the ones I had in the ones I posted so I don´t know if it affects using them with other codes.

For my lore inmersion I use caestus fists and double Omen cleaver mainly since he hasn´t got and engraved his Starscourge greatswords until he became massive and went to learn gravitational magic to keep riding his steed (and mostlikely summoned some massive meteorites to craft his big black meteoric greatswords), still I use his weapons if really needed or any other weapon that goes with his aestethic, and of course incantations like Flame grant me strength or Bloodflame blade for bad ass looks.

PD sorry for the english, still learning.

v1.01 Added sliders that I forgot (for forehead and glabella), the base template (Seafarer, still can be used with anyone but this make it faster to edit), and wrong voice option (Mature 1 the one I use but thats not a big problem). Also I recommend changing Eyeclouding from 140 to 80 or whatever you want if you want a bigger pupil (if you do you may want to change Iris color too since this change would make it more red meanwhile Radahn has more orange eyes, looks good with both anyway).

Edit (bug): X and Z values over 1.1 makes your character flick when you lock-on in enemies and move normally, it makes you loose stamina (the game thinks you are sprinting), so that could balance the increased movement speed (since you move/attack faster I dont see that bad), if the stamina gets depleted it recovers normally (unless you roll, attack, etc. and you start to flicker again). Since I tend to play with out locking into enemies I didn´t knew about this until now, to fix it place all size values (and animation/movement speed to match his displacement) at 1.099 or lower (1.1 still has few flickering here and there but doesn´t affect that much the battles from my testings), isn´t as tall/muscular that way but if you want to fix the stamina problem is the best for now (edit the hotkeys to set the values and save the table so you don’t has to edit them everytime).

v1.02 Updated table values to fix flickering from character, added 3 hotkeys options for size (0 = vanilla size, Num 1 = 1.25 height, Alt + Num 1 = 1.09), added options to edit the eye models and the size of each body part and merged both tables in one file. Still no happy with the 1.25 look (both hair/capes/other accesories missplacement and the head), if the hair still bothers you it could be fixed with the mods that removes the hair from helmets, going to keep tryng to find a solution for both things anyway (everyone is free to reupload this mod with they fix if someone find one, I would love a proper size mod, credit my sliders if possible).

v1.03 Added more hotkeys (check them at the hotkey part in the description), fixing the “flickering/stamina” problems when toggling the walking script (X and Y values over 2.2 still cause problems). Added cam options, deletethem if aren´t needed or already using a mod for auto rotation just in case (or delete the mod that does that if you want). Splited the cheat table again to evade hotkey incompatibilities. Removed hotkeys from body parts slider codes since they arent needed too much anymore, but I left them in case you want to make your own modifications. Note: when you toggle to walk you can still run/sprint/roll and anything else, and when you are not locked in an enemie and after releasing the sprint key sometimes the characters can still run as normally as long as you dont stop moving, if you stop then you start to walk again until you sprint (and so on), but sometimes you are always walking after you released the sprint key no matter what (not sure what triggers one or the other), and you may no move in a ladder with the walk toggled activaded sometimes.

v1.04 Fast update, going to add more options later (need to finish my hard randomized run first or the run may get broken after updating, I should end it in 1 or 2 days tops), the only options for this one are:
Num 0 = Normal size/speed
Num 1 = 1.25 height, 1.4 wide and depth, 1.1 animation speed.
No more auto attachment to evade problems some people has for renaming eldenring.exe
Added the hide cloth option, it just shrunk some parts of the armors so help to hide some flickering from them, not perfect thou.
Removed camera rotation option since the game now has it finally, going to keep the one that unfollow you for massive characters.

To do:
Add all hotkeys/options as before.

Credits: RaoRazgul -Cocoloco-
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Elden Ring Mods are revolutionizing the gaming experience, transforming it from ordinary to exceptional. For many players, these Mods are an exhilarating boost. However, if you're uncertain about their function, allow us to enlighten you. At their core, each Elden Ring Character Size modification and playing as young Radahn before being known as the Starscourge Mod is a meticulously crafted tool designed to adjust and elevate the game to your unique preferences. Do the default colors, sounds, or textures not align with your tastes? These mods can change that. Are you yearning for a broader arsenal of weapons, expansive maps, or more captivating visuals? Elden Ring Mods have the answers. Now, here's the most enticing part: every modification, every Elden Ring Mod is available at zero cost on the Elden Ring Mods PC platform. By this point, the sheer potential of integrating an Elden Ring Character Size modification and playing as young Radahn before being known as the Starscourge Mod into your PC gaming experience should be evident. So, why remain content with the basic version when a vast universe of customization awaits? Seize this golden opportunity, dive deep into the Elden Ring Mods universe, and sculpt your gameplay experience. After all, every gamer deserves the unmatched joy of a game that feels truly their own.

Useful Information:
- How to Install Elden Ring Mods
- Elden Ring Cheat Table
- Elden Mod Loader
- Elden Ring System Requirements

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