Enemies drop more Runes

Elden Ring Mods |

Enemies drop more Runes

This mod aims to make consecutive Playthroughs easier, by making grinding a lot more comfortable, by multiplying Rune drops from enemies by 2.5 – 50 times. Work on all NG+ Cycles


I am aware of the fact that the mod seems to be broken after the latest update of Elden Ring (V. 1.09), it is on my radar and I am sorry for the inconvinience, and I am planning to fix that, eventually. Sadly I currently have a lot of RL stuff going on, so I cannot give any release date for the fix, probably at the end of the month, but thats not a promise.

– 07.04.23


Since their is an increase in people for which the mod does not seem to work, I’ve put together a really in depth installation guide, which hopefully elimanates user error as much as possible:

1. Make sure you have a vanilla Installation of Elden Ring, Version 1.08.1, no mods, no nothing the clean thing when you download via steam.
– I do not guarantee that the mod works, when you use a modified version of the game, a not so official one, or whatever. I only used the official thing from steam on the newest patch available.

2. Use ModEngine2, you can do this without, but this is a liability, it can break stuff, and corrupt saves, ban you and more bad things
– Use either Preview 3 or 4, these are the versions I worked with, and they work for me in 100% of scenarios
– https://github.com/soulsmods/ModEngine2/tags

3. Make sure to start Elden Ring atleast once before doing any modding, and create atleast one character and load into the game atleast once.
– If not done, the “corrupt save” error can occur.

4. Now extract the regulation.bin into the mod folder of ModEngine2, if you have multiple mods, go one by one.

5. Start the game via the launchmod_eldenring.bat
– while using ModEngine2 and mods, do not start the game via Steam, this will most likely not work. Always use the .bat.

6. Everything should work now.

Doing it this way worked for me in every scenario; I used ME2 Preview 3 and 4, used multiple mods, used just my mod, merged them, reinstalled the game, tested every single NG+ cycle, tested multiple areas, used old, new and imported characters and it worked perfectly each and every time.

I can, for the life of me, not replicate the issue of the mod not working at all, therefore I assume most of the issues must be user error, incorrect installations, modified game files or smth I can not control. If you followed the step by step guide above and it still doesnt work, than please go ahead and let me know.


I’ve done a video tutorial walking you through every step to set up the mod via Mod Engine 2, so if you are having issues, try following along, and see if the issue persists.

Merging into other mods:

With every version of this mod you’ll get two .csv files, one for DSMapStudio and one for Yapped. These .csv files are only compatible with either Yapped or DSMS. Using either of them for the wrong App, might corrupt your regulation.bin, so be mindful of that.
Also you only need to do one method, I just provide both options in case someone prefers DSMS over Yapped, or the other way around.


– Create a new project
– Replace the newly generated regulation.bin file with the one from your desired mod
– reload the project.json
– go to Param Editor
– Select “ClearCountCorrectParam”, you should now see NG+0 – NG+7 in the middle row
– Now Select Edit –> Import CSV –> From File… –> Field –> SoulRate
– Select the provided .CSV file (use the one for DSMapStudio, not Yapped)
– Go to File –> Save Params
– You can now put the modified regulation.bin file to the old location you got it from (probably your /mod folder)


If you use Yapped you will have to overwrite the complete “ClearCountCorrectParam” Parameteres, so if the mod you merge with changes anything in there, it will be overwritten by this method. Sadly Yapped doesnt allow to just export single lines, but insists of exporting everything from a single parameter. This problem does not exist in DSMapStudio, because there you can export / import just the Rune Multiplier, therefore leaving all the other params in tact. So if your other mod changes stuff like Max HP, FP, Stamina, Resistances, and some other character specific NG+ cycle stuff you should not use Yapped for this.

– File –> Open –> regulation.bin of the other mod
– Settings –> View General Settings –> change the project name to something like “test”
– Now go to the Yapped Folder –> Projects –> [Whatever you named ur Project] –> CSV –> ER –> Copy the provided CSV in here (use the one for Yapped, not for DSMapStudio)
– Now back to Yapped: Select ClearCountCorrectParam on the left
– Field Data –> Import Data –> Yes to overwrite
– File –> Save

Known conflicts with other mods:

Credit: Darkrainproge

– Seamless coop will split the Rune Multiplier in half, you can offset this by choosing a higher than desired Multiplier, to get back to the desired value.


simply remove the regulation.bin file from your mod directory, if you are using Mod Engine 2.
If you dont, simply replace the modded regulation.bin file with the original one.

Multipliers Available:

x2.5 (example: Godrick Knights at the beginning go from 64 –> 160)
x5 (64 –> 320)
x10 (64 –> 641 for some reason)
x25 (64 –> 1600)
x50 (64 –> 3200)


Works on Game Version 1.08.1
Other Versions might work, not tested though.

Mods can get you banned, and I am not responsible for any kind of ban that might happen to you.
Dont use this mod online. Use at your own risk.

I recommend Mod Engine 2 as that will always launch you into Offline mode with no Anti Cheat, so you should be pretty safe there.

Tools I used:

– DSMapStudio for the param-edit
– UXM for Unpacking
– ModEngine for general testing

Credits: DTFinn
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Elden Ring Mods are revolutionizing the gaming experience, transforming it from ordinary to exceptional. For many players, these Mods are an exhilarating boost. However, if you're uncertain about their function, allow us to enlighten you. At their core, each Elden Ring Enemies drop more Runes Mod is a meticulously crafted tool designed to adjust and elevate the game to your unique preferences. Do the default colors, sounds, or textures not align with your tastes? These mods can change that. Are you yearning for a broader arsenal of weapons, expansive maps, or more captivating visuals? Elden Ring Mods have the answers. Now, here's the most enticing part: every modification, every Elden Ring Mod is available at zero cost on the Elden Ring Mods PC platform. By this point, the sheer potential of integrating an Elden Ring Enemies drop more Runes Mod into your PC gaming experience should be evident. So, why remain content with the basic version when a vast universe of customization awaits? Seize this golden opportunity, dive deep into the Elden Ring Mods universe, and sculpt your gameplay experience. After all, every gamer deserves the unmatched joy of a game that feels truly their own.

Useful Information:
- How to Install Elden Ring Mods
- Elden Ring Cheat Table
- Elden Mod Loader
- Elden Ring System Requirements

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